13 April 2017

75 Ways To Become A Better Man

Do you want to become a better man? After re-reading Robert Glover’s No More Mr. Nice Guy, I’m inspired to remedy the Nice Guy Syndrome and start the journey to become a better man (the Good Guy). I started the list, but got some help from my men’s group here in Los Angeles. I hope this inspires you to start your own list. Let go of anything holding you back, and begin moving towards what you’re created to do.

1. Give to people without expectations

2. Be on time

3. Stand up for and protect the people you care most about

4. Set boundaries in relationships

5. Find mentors who will help you

6. Directly deal with problems

7. Be a gentleman to her

8. Take a moment and pray or meditate

9. Don’t talk behind anyone’s back

10. Stop making excuses

11. Give your best

12. Join a men’s group (a fraternity, a bible study, a service organization)

13. Don’t let anyone treat you disrespectfully

14. Workout daily

15. Be transparent and authentic

16. Only settle for the best

17. Go fishing with your dad

18. Become a Big Brother

19. Be true to how you feel

20. Go on a camping trip alone

21. Let go of your act and be your true self

22. Eat healthy

23. Take up a new hobby

24. Recognize you need help from others

25. Be at peace with yourself

26. Go get coffee with someone you respect

27. Ask a girl on a real date

28. Run a 5k

29. Give yourself a pat on the back

30. Get a massage

31. Laugh often

32. Write down affirmations and speak them over yourself…“I’m a powerful man”

33. Go to a therapist or support group

34. Go on a retreat

35. Write in a journal

36. Learn to say “no”

37. Take one step towards your dream

38. Have expectations for yourself

39. Let go and surrender

40. Face your fears and take more risks

41. Be present (put your phone away)

42. Let your defenses down

43. Dwell on good things

44. Vacation more

45. Take a class and learn something new

46. Don’t give up

47. Speak up for yourself

48. Set goals

49. Stop and listen

50. Be thankful

51. Floss everyday

52. Get enough sleep

53. Reach out to family and friends

54. Be generous

55. Be self-aware

56. Watch less TV

57. Reconnect with an old friend

58. Build something with your hands

59. Go outside your comfort zone

60. Let people in

61. Laugh at yourself

62. Release any sense of entitlement

63. Believe God loves you just as you are

64. Be vulnerable with someone

65. Don’t be lukewarm

66. Stop overcommitment

67. Be spontaneous and go on a road trip with friends

68. Forgive someone you’ve held something against

69. Invest in community

70. Read a book

71. Brainstorm more

72. Celebrate and honor others

73. Take a break from social media

74. Accept people as they are

75. Make your needs a priority

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